We accomplished a lot this weekend.My mom and I finally found a sofa for the room that opens off the kitchen. It was priced $199 at the Franklin Thriftsmart, but they gave me a frequent shopper card which took 10% off the purchase. Even better, the low back made it possible for us to slide it into the rear of the station wagon. No delivery charge! After looking at overpriced consignment and estate sales all over town, I was happy to find such a clean, cheerful sofa at a price we could afford. The fabric is a medium blue with textured yellow dots. I originally envisioned a loveseat with two chairs, but this extra-long piece simplifies the room. I still want some cushy down throw pillows to break up its boxy lines, though.

I took an idea from Country Living's cover and arranged all our children's chairs opposite the sofa. The white one was mine as a child, but we try to pick them up whenever we see them for a couple of dollars apiece. Here's a new one we sprayed with some leftover yellow paint. They are small enough to tuck under this yard sale coffee table. We bought it to use as a desk in Andrew's second bedroom. Its melamine top had bubbled from moisture. We replaced it with a Ponderosa pine panel from Lowe's, stained and waxed. Did you know you can buy boards big enough to use as tabletops there?
So far the arrangement works better than I could have hoped. It's the perfect spot for a snack or a game. My husband can lie down and talk while I prepare dinner on the other side of the island. I'm so grateful for this cozy space!
I am so envious of your breakfast room! And that coffee table is too cute.
Wow...you've been super busy this week! All really good ideas...I'm sure you are inspiring many with your creativity!
Good idea with the children's chairs at the coffee table!!! Your home is coming right along. It looks very lovely and warm already and you've just moved in!
-loved those miss maggie posts i agree
-love the new couch and old table you repainted...
-question i'm dying to ask, in your move did you ever find the heirloom christening gown you misplaced???
-eagerly looking daily at what new you've done
I love this! It reminds me of a home tour I went on one time and they called a space like that the "Gathering Room" - isn't that great?!
Looking good, but are the walls going to stay beige?
We did this also!!! Do you have a table that you all eat at? Or do you eat at the island? We put barstools around our island.
I found your blog a few months ago and have spent a lot of time reading your archives and learning so much from you. I've always considered myself somewhat frugal, but have realized lately I have many areas that I could improve upon.
I enjoy your posts about thrifty finds and truly appreciate your resourcefulness and make-do-ability!
I had to write (finally) because I have about 10 yards of fabric in my sewing room that matches your new blue couch EXACTLY! Even the raised yellow dots! I purchased it on clearance 3 years ago for my oldest boys' room, but never got it made up. We recently repainted their room, so now the fabric won't match. I was wondering if you would be interested in buying it from me? For window treatments, maybe? It is 54" wide, and I think I paid $5/yard for it, but would part with it for much less if you'd be interested. I'd be happy to send you a swatch if you'd like to consider it...
Let me know if you're interested. My email is fourzees at hotmail dot com.
Many blessings to you as you have blessed so many others!
Kris in PA
This looks delightfully cozy. I have considered getting rid of our kitchen table and putting a sturdy child's table there. You've inspired me to consider this again if my husband agrees.
We have children's chairs around the coffee table too, one of them also from my childhood (they sure are sturdier than newer ones)...sometimes we put them next to the bookshelves and refer to it as the library table. I like the mis-matchy look.
I saw the issue of Country Living that had the table with the little chairs around it on the cover! ( Feb. 2003) I was taking old stored magazines to the trash (I am through with keeping too much clutter!) when I saw it.
I am sure the kids will enjoy the room. Thanks for the peek!
Kris, that's amazing! I'll email you later tonight.
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