Updated: I'm changing the name of this post to Craigslist Blessings, because so many of us seemed to be finding unlikely provision this way! I'm also including a new link to Tulipgirl's own story, Tale of Two Bikes.
Notes From A Cottage Industry has a great before-and-after post about a Craigslist hutch now antiqued black. That does it--I'll push, pull, and drag that armoire into the driveway and resume painting!
This must be the day for Craigslist bargains! Look at Hallie's beautiful bedroom set. Price? Free! And Tricia just scored the exact elliptical trainer she needed--wait, make that the deluxe model--for less than half the going used price.
Nice! I love craigslist and garage sales. I can't imagine ever buying new furniture anymore!
You wrote a while back (I won't get it exactly right) about how we shouldn't be surprised when God provides for us unexpected blessings of frugality. And your comment on my site was along the same lines. You're right too...why should I be surprised when my Heavenly Father knows what I needs and provides!?
well, Meredith, thanks for the kind mention. and thank you also for being my initial inspiration for shopping craigslist...our whole family is reaping the benefits! (even if I have formed a bit of an addiction!) :)
and Hallie, that is exactly what my husband said when we found this elliptical after selecting a VERY narrow list of candidates based on his very real medical needs/issues. God provided amazingly, even for something as "trivial" as a workout machine!
The couple from whom I bought the bikes blessed us in other ways, too. And I thank the Lord for providing for so many of our wants, beyond just our needs.
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